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Pig Model Demonstrates Effectiveness of New Osteoarthritis Treatment

April 29, 2022

  • New lab-grown stem cells have created a viable path to treating osteoarthritis. 
  • Using animal models, scientists have demonstrated the successful repair of osteoarthritic joints that surpasses current therapies. 
  • Scientists have not tried this technique in humans, but future research will assess the degree of pain relief and recovered mobility in osteoarthritis patients. 
A study in Regenerative Medicine has demonstrated new treatment directions to help prevent osteoarthritis using stem cells. The study examined stem cells that could repair the most damaged tissues in arthritic joints. Researchers focused on articular cartilage, which covers the end of a bone and acts as a friction reducer and shock absorber. The patient experiences symptoms of osteoarthritis when the articular cartilage begins to break down.  Traditionally, surgeons treat osteoarthritis using the microfracture technique. In microfracture therapy, a surgeon creates a small hole in the bone near the affected joint, directly connecting the bone marrow to the damaged cartilage. Progenitor cells move from the bone marrow to the joint and increase the speed of repair and regeneration. While this technique is useful, it is not without drawbacks. Patients must undergo two complex surgeries and the results can be mixed, with new tissue often weaker than original tissue.  A team of researchers searching for new avenues of treatment modified stem cells and implanted them into damaged knee joints of pigs. The scientists noted that the lab-grown stem cells stimulated strong tissue growth and more comprehensive repairs compared to bone marrow cells in the microfracture technique. In addition to providing a viable path to comprehensive osteoarthritis treatment, the researchers also developed an injectable formulation that can be quickly frozen for storage.  Future research will focus on possible human immune reactions and studies to determine how much stem cells improve joint pain in humans. Based on early studies in pigs, it is possible that osteoarthritic patients may have their symptoms wholly alleviated with the help of stem cells.  Credit: 

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