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Umbilical Plasma Injections Can Reduce Biological Age By Up To a Year

September 10, 2022

  • A new study has shown that umbilical plasma injections can reduce biological age by up to a year.
  • The study was carried out on 18 participants with a mean age of 74, who were given weekly intramuscular injections of 1 ml of plasma concentrate for 20 weeks.
  • Using the aging clock GrimAge, scientists observed a notable reduction in biological age averaging 0.82 years. 

Researchers have observed that intramuscular injections of plasma concentrate from the human umbilical cord reduce biological aging in the elderly. 

In recent years, scientists have been experimenting with blood/plasma exchange to determine its effects on longevity. Their in-depth research has shown that blood exchange between younger and older animals, blood transfusion, and even the dilution of old plasma can minimize different aspects of aging and reduce biological age when measured by aging clocks. 

Now, this recent study takes the concept further by using humans as test trials. But instead of being given blood or plasma transfusions, individuals were given weekly shots of a plasma concentrate that was made from umbilical cord blood. 

The study consisted of 18 participants with a mean age of 74, who were given weekly intramuscular injections of 1 ml of plasma concentrate for 20 weeks. Each of these shots was derived from 100 ml of plasma, meaning by the end of the study, each participant had received at least 1 liter of umbilical cord plasma. 

The results were impressive. The scientists documented changes in 10 of the 78 measured biomarkers after multiple measurements. Notably, markers associated with kidney function greatly improved. Since the primary goal of the study was to assess how safe plasma was, the researchers also measured immunoglobulin levels as a maker of immune response. That’s because repeated injections of a protein-containing substance can trigger an immune reaction. However, the scientists documented that the levels of immunoglobulin were actually reduced by the treatment. 

The scientists then used different established methylation clocks to determine any difference in their biological age. However, only the GrimAge clock showed a significant reduction in biological age with an average of 0.82 years. 

Other elements of GrimAge that were measured include methylation of the genes producing the proteins  GDF15 and cystatin C. In fact, Cystatin C levels in plasma are used to assess kidney function, therefore, the clock’s findings were consistent with the improvements of kidney documented in the participants. 

That being said, high levels of cystatin C are also associated with other age-related conditions—including chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and cardiovascular disease. On the other hand, GDF`15 blood levels are known to increase with age, and are associated with cardiovascular problems, not to mention an increase in mortality. 

Yet despite the study’s promising results, plasma transfer is invasive since it requires the use of plasma injections which can be logistically demanding. Also, there is still a lot of research and clinical trials that need to be done to determine the extent of benefits that these plasma injunctions provide. 

This joint study was carried out by researchers from the University of Texas, Altos Labs, Epigenetic Clock Development Foundation, and the longevity-oriented/transhumanist non-profit Better Humans. 

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