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Why this Longevity Expert Believes We Can Live Up to 200 Years...

September 3, 2021

  • As one of the most recognized names in the Longevity Industry, Sergey Young is no doubt an expert and a longtime champion of promoting longevity.
  • Today, he shares the 5 essential markers that he believes are critical to a long and healthy lifestyle.
  • In fact, Young is confident that if we implement these markers into our lifestyles, we might just live up to 200!

Sergey Young has a personal goal that might sound a little crazy to most. The founder of one of the most proactive entities in the longevity industry, the Longevity Vision Fund, wants to live to 200. Yes, you heard that right! And he’s possibly identified a number of ways through which he will achieve this goal… The critically acclaimed author of The Science and Technology of Growing Young has no doubt had a prosperous career. He’s dedicated most of his time and effort to help more than one billion people transform and work towards living long, productive lives. He hopes that some of the technological advances that he’s uncovered in the longevity spectrum will soon be affordable and accessible to all. Through his extensive work, he has also come up with specific markers in lifestyle that he calls longevity buckets. According to Young, these buckets will help you increase your healthspan and lifespan. Because let’s face it; who wants to live up to 200, but then have a poor life? Quality over quantity! Young believes that by incorporating these longevity buckets into your life, we can add up to 20 additional productive years to our lives! And maybe, just maybe….live up to 200. So, what are the five buckets that Young promotes? Let’s have a look…

1. Always Get an Annual Checkup

Young insists that annual checkups are essential to longevity. And most importantly, you should never procrastinate on the date that you have them. Always get the checkup from a doctor or physician that is comprehensive with their review. By identifying issues or problems with the body early on, you have a chance to eliminate them before they begin to affect your quality of life. Young believes that treating people through preventive means is 10 to 20 times less expensive and more successful in terms of recovery than reacting to sudden health emergencies. He also adds that the health industry has seen a lot of development in technologies that are capable of identifying serious health issues in their early stages; technologies that we should all take advantage of by staying consistent with our annual tests and screens every year.

2. Avoid Bad Decisions and Vices

Young’s second rule is simple: don’t do stupid things. For example, Young can’t seem to understand why people would want to smoke tobacco because it slices an average of 10 years from your life! Another vice that makes him mad? Why would people not want to wear seatbelts? What he’s simply saying by this is that by avoiding certain risks, we can easily add years to our lives. Long story short? Be mindful of the choices that you make every day. Life is too short to mess it up.

3. Look at Food As a Source of Medicine

The next bucket list that Young promotes is actually one of the most important in boosting your longevity. You should treat food as a source of fuel for your health. It’s all about finding a sense of balance in your diet in terms of healthy proteins and fats. He personally advocates a plant-based diet plan. Of course, you shouldn’t starve yourself of a juicy tenderloin once every two weeks. Then again; there’s a catch to this: Be careful about the kind of meat sources that you choose. As a rule of thumb, Young recommends that you opt for clean, grass-fed meat that’s allowed to roam and not injected with a cocktail of antibiotics. But for the most part of your diet, let it be heavily plant-based.

4. Do physical activity (Exercise! Exercise! Exercise!)

Another marker that is essential to Young’s 200-longevity is working out. And with this one, it’s all about consistency. Young believes that instead of fluctuating between extreme training and a sedentary life, strive to have a light cardio workout at least 30 to 45 minutes every day to get your heart pumping and your vascular system flowing. Any movement is good movement. He also stresses the importance of walking daily. “The beauty of walking is that you don’t need to dedicate a lot of time to it. You can integrate it into your healthy lifestyle.”

5. Having Peace of Mind

And last but not least, you should always have peace of mind. But how do you achieve this? Well, it’s a combination of factors; having a sense of purpose, socializing, meditating, and getting enough rest and sleep. In terms of sleep, Young’s rule is this: you should spend at least eight hours in bed; seven of them for sleep. To maximize the quality of deep sleep that you’re getting, Young suggest you consume a healthy meal of vegetables before bed. Do this for three weeks, and you just might immediately begin to see a positive transformation in your sleep pattern. All in all, by applying these 5 longevity buckets, Young believes that anyone can add healthy and happy years to their life! Who knows, you might just be the first person in modern history to clock the 200-year-old milestone…

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